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AirNet Network & Datacom Pvt Ltd
Airnet is leading in bringing innovations to customers with our focus on providing comprehensive and exceptional internet services.
The expansion of the company into an Internet Services that carried over the philosophy of “always on” connectivity to the provision of highly reliable Internet connectivity was a logical step forward. At present Airnet is a Top Tier Internet Provider and is one of a select group of Internet Provider to have been recognised by indivduals, operators & corporates.This means that the company is considered to be sufficiently excellent, both in terms of cutting edge technology and service/support provision to provide services above and beyond the norm in a reliable fashion. Airnet provides support to numerous operators and is acknowledged to be a technological leader in it’s field.
However, unlike the vast majority of our competitors Airnet delivers connectivity across the full range of spectra – wired & wireless. This means that we can design and support a solution that is customized to the specific needs of the client that we are dealing with, and we can provide that solution in a cost-effective manner with experienced support staff. Airnet is one of the very few Internet Providers that can honestly lay claim to being able to provide clients with an integrated, secure “ubiquitous” computing solution that will seamlessly integrate their entire operation.